Book outlook
A few features:
- 784 pages
- 22 chapters + 3 appendices
- 178 figures
- 471 bibliographic references
- 73 historical notes
- 96 short biographies
- ISBN: 978-3-642-37275-9 (print)
- ISBN: 978-3-642-37276-6 (online)
- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37276-6
- Minkowski Spacetime
- Worldlines and Proper Time
- Observers
- Kinematics 1: Motion with Respect to an Observer
- Kinematics 2: Change of Observer
- Lorentz Group
- Lorentz Group as a Lie Group
- Inertial Observers and Poincaré Group
- Energy and Momentum
- Angular Momentum
- Principle of Least Action
- Accelerated Observers
- Rotating Observers
- Tensors and Alternate Forms
- Fields on Spacetime
- Integration in Spacetime
- Electromagnetic Field
- Maxwell Equations
- Energy-Momentum Tensor
- Energy-Momentum of the Electromagnetic Field
- Relativistic Hydrodynamics
- What about Relativistic Gravitation?
- Basic Algebra
- Web Pages
- Special Relativity Books
See also the detailed table of contents (PDF).