Special Relativity in General Frames

Book outlook

A few features:


  1. Minkowski Spacetime
  2. Worldlines and Proper Time
  3. Observers
  4. Kinematics 1: Motion with Respect to an Observer
  5. Kinematics 2: Change of Observer
  6. Lorentz Group
  7. Lorentz Group as a Lie Group
  8. Inertial Observers and Poincaré Group
  9. Energy and Momentum
  10. Angular Momentum
  11. Principle of Least Action
  12. Accelerated Observers
  13. Rotating Observers
  14. Tensors and Alternate Forms
  15. Fields on Spacetime
  16. Integration in Spacetime
  17. Electromagnetic Field
  18. Maxwell Equations
  19. Energy-Momentum Tensor
  20. Energy-Momentum of the Electromagnetic Field
  21. Relativistic Hydrodynamics
  22. What about Relativistic Gravitation?
  1. Basic Algebra
  2. Web Pages
  3. Special Relativity Books

See also the detailed table of contents (PDF).

Eric Gourgoulhon / 2016-02-02